trial by ordeal

美 [ˈtraɪəl baɪ ɔːrˈdiːl]英 [ˈtraɪəl baɪ ɔːˈdiːl]
  • 网络神裁法;神明裁判;神断法;痛苦的审判
trial by ordealtrial by ordeal


a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control;escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence
Synonym: ordeal


  1. Study on the Trial by Ordeal in Medieval Europe


  2. Judicium Dei , or trial by ordeal , is a widespread legal procedure in medieval European .


  3. At the oral cultural background of no written words or paying little attention to the written words , the Oral African Law pays much attention to oral procedure on the presentation form , stresses on external ceremony , hands down oath and trial by ordeal .
